Thursday, September 14, 2006

How now...

Well, how's that for a break of a few months? Honestly I haven't been all that bored on the pipeline recently, so I haven't had much random downtime away from home. Of course now's the time of year where people are like, ooh...I better get this work done before winter, can you delineate my 80 acre parcel tomorrow? Yeah, you and everybody else who's asked. Anyways, in other news my girlfriend and I broke up. It's kind of given me lots of time to write here, but also not a lot of motivation. Anyways...What else is new?
How about random blog hits? Somebody Googled "Photodermatitis and beer" and got my blog. Odd. I thought so at the time so put up an away message on AIM exclaiming how odd that was, at which point somebody else (no doubt looking for my 'news' blog after seeing my away message) Googled "Photodermatitis and beer" and also got my blog. Now that two people have done it, it's officially a way to find my blog. Although, you're already here. So why am I talking to you about this? A few more searches and it'll be like Google-Bombing. You know, Google "miserable failure" and you get GDubs' bio on the White House website. It's a trick on how Google works to calculate which hits appear first. Other searches yielding my website include "Haggis order mn meat" and "Star Tribune wild parsnip". Mmmmm....meat.


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