Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Although I seriously doubt there are any readers of my blog that are not readers of hers, I decided to plug my sister, Sarah, tonight. She has recently posted on her nationally known (it was mentioned in the Boston Globe Blog) blog 'Still Life with a Soup Can' regarding all those 'This is Our Country' Chevy truck commercials. Her post will far outdo anything I can come up with here, but be sure to read her comments to get my input. In my search to find these commercials (now would be a good idea to read her post, if you haven't yet) I came across several other blogs about the same thing. Kinda interesting, and most have discussions that have drawn on for several weeks now which include all sorts of racist arguments between left wing hippies and right wing gun-toting cowboy hat wearing "our country" boys which have pretty much degenerated to "You're gay." "No, you're gay." "Your mom is gay." You get the idea. Anyways,just in case you're bored...oh and thanks Chevy for fueling me even more to carry on my mission, I am definitely throwing in my 'ReNew Orleans' shirt this weekend. Black on black..."that guy". (see previous post) Now it's fair because Chevy pisses me off. We'll see how that goes.

As for me, I am not bored. I am currently sitting in my bed, falling asleep to the 30 page appendices of the Wetland Management Plan Update for the City of Burnsville, Minnesota. If it's anything like the 50 page body of the document, it's gonna be an exciting piece of literature, let me tell ya. (Note the sarcasm here.) 2 of these 50 pages I wrote, so I got to skip editing them. If you're so inclined to know, my 2 pages are the results of a MnRAM 3.0 analysis of a random sample of 10 different wetlands in each of the 3 proposed management classes for the City's 2006 Plan update to determine if the proposed classes are comparable to the previously used 4 class system. The abbreviated answer to the long-winded effort (I spent 4 days driving around the city running into all sorts of interesting locals - despite this being the metro area, they're still the dreaded 'locals'. Did I blog months ago about Anna Banana? If not you'll have to catch me and ask me about it sometime) is yes. And if you want to read the long-winded report on said long-winded effort then it'll be available on the City's website sometime. Just keep checking it over the next 2 months. You guys can even comment! And the City is required by law to address every public comment and then publish that response. So you can see your comment on the response online after. Of course the draft for comment will be put online after the natural resource people at the City review it and rip it apart, then the city council rips it apart, then the local government agencies - all 4 watershed districts, the city, county, state, DNR, Army Corps of Engineers, and the county soil and water conservation district - all weigh in and rip it apart, then we make edits and THEN it goes out for public comment. So it might be a while. Check back though! After that excessive post under the title 'Quickie', which was the intention - honestly, I should probably get to work. But I'll probably charge time to the city for writing about it. I mean...no I won't...Mr. City Guy reading this.....uh....ah...ahskhskfs Yes I'm awesome....


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